2015-6-4 Section IX: Bill of Quantities (BoQ) Page: 78 of 90 3.5 CW0011 Providing and laying in position plain cement concrete excluding the cost of centering and shuttering ‐ All work upto plinth level. 1:5:10 (1 cement: 5 sand: 10 graded crushed stone 40 mm nominal size. Cum 195.03
Read More2017-5-11 cement, stone dust (from crusher) mortar 1:6 in foundation and plinth. 19 cum 13 12 mm thick cement plaster 1:6 170 sqm Total Taxes Total
Read More2016-9-30 concrete 1:3:6 (1 cement : 3 sand : 6 graded crushed rock 20 mm nominal size) excluding the cost of centering and shuttering - All work upto plinth level. 120.00 cum 5 SM0005 Providing laying Randam Rubble Masonry in cement motar 1:4 with hard stone in foundation plinth . 72.00 cum 6 PL0021 Providing laying 12 mm cement plaster: C.M 1:4 240.00 Sqm
Read More2017-3-28 7 Cement concrete 1: 4: 8 with stone aggregate 40 mm Nominal size in foundation and plinth. 50 cum 8 Damp proof course 40 mm thick of cement concrete 1:2:4 using stone aggregate 20 mm nominal size with 2 coats of bitumen 20/30 penetration, at 1.65 kg per sqm laid hot and sanded. 70 sqm 9 Cold twisted deformed (:ribbed/tor steel) bars for R.C.C.
Read More2018-5-1 B) STONE W ORKS B1 Providing laying Random Rubble Masonry with hard stone in cement mortar 1:4 for all height 147.58 cum. B2 Providing and laying Hand packed stone filling or soling with selected hard stones. 71.72 cum. C) PLAIN CEMENT CONCRETE W ORKS
Read More2021-1-3 9 15 mm cement plaster finished with a floating coat of neat cement of mix: 1:3 (1 cement : 3 coarse sand) 508 sqm 10 Structural steel work in single section, fixed with or without connecting plate, including cutting, hoisting, fixing in position and applying a priming coat of approved steel primer all complete.-Hot Galvanised Welding material 32964 kg
Read More2020-10-7 Total Value CIVIL WORK 1 Demolition Dismantling a Demolition of existing wall inclusive of removal of lintels, slabs, cleaning etc, and disposal of debris at indicated location off site. sqft 1092.27 c Laying of PCC (or brickbat coba)1:2:4 (1 Cement, 2 Sand 4 Stone aggregate) of thickness as required to achieve desired
Read More2015-4-1 Thus, the quantity of cement required for 1 cubic meter of concrete = 0.98/0.1345 = 7.29 bags of cement. The quantities of materials for 1 m3 of concrete production can be calculated as follows: The weight of cement required = 7.29
Read More2020-5-12 SUB TOTAL FOR SUBERSTUCTURE WALLING SECTION 1: SAHAN SEAFOOD COLD STORAGE ELEMENT NO. 4 FINISHES Interior Wall Finish Plaster 9mm first coat of Cement/lime/Sand (1:2:9); 3mm second coat of cement/lime/sand (1:1:6): steel trowelled: On Masonary or Concrete : To A4 Walls: Internally SM 869.44 Prepare Apply three coats of silk Vinyl emulsion paint
Read More2021-5-1 Total Part of the Concrete = 1+1.5+3 = 5.5 Parts. Therefore, Cement Quantity = (Cement Part / Concrete Parts ) * Concrete Volume = (1/5.5)* Concrete Volume = (1/5.5)*2 = 0.3636 m 3. Density of Cement
Read More2020-8-2 Cement concrete flooring 1:2:4 (1 cement : 2 coarse sand : 4 graded stone aggregate) finished with a floating coat of neat cement, including cement slurry, but excluding the cost of nosing of steps etc. complete. 40 mm thick with 20 mm nominal size stone aggregate 16.50 sqm 353.35 5830.28 6
Read More2015-6-4 Section IX: Bill of Quantities (BoQ) Page: 78 of 90 3.5 CW0011 Providing and laying in position plain cement concrete excluding the cost of centering and shuttering ‐ All work upto plinth level. 1:5:10 (1 cement: 5 sand: 10 graded crushed stone 40 mm nominal size. Cum 195.03
Read More2021-1-13 Description Quantity Unit Rate Amount 1 Erection of metallic pole of following length in cement concrete 1:3:6 (1 cement : 3 coarse sand : 6 graded stone aggregate 40 mm nominal size) foundation including excavation and refilling etc. as required. Above 10.00 metre and upto 12.00 metre 7
Read More2020-12-18 cement hardener consisting of mix 1:2 (1 cement hardener mix : 2 graded stone aggregate, 6mm nominal size) by volume, hardening compound mixed @ 2 litre per 50 kg of cement or as per manufacture’sspecifications. This includes cost of cement slurry, but excluding the cost of nosing of steps etc. complete Sqm 63.00 FINISHING: 12
Read More2020-12-13 Sub Total 57672.00 3 (A) CEMENT CONCRETE WORK i 281 Concrete with 4cm. gauge approved stone ballast, approved coarse sand and Cement in the proportion of 8:4:1 including supply of all materials labor and tools and plants etc. required for
Read More2018-5-1 B) STONE W ORKS B1 Providing laying Random Rubble Masonry with hard stone in cement mortar 1:4 for all height 147.58 cum. B2 Providing and laying Hand packed stone filling or soling with selected hard stones. 71.72 cum. C) PLAIN CEMENT CONCRETE W ORKS
Read More2013-9-30 Quantity M.O Residences Quantity Nurse Quarter Total Quantity Unit Rate In Fig. (in Rs) Unit Rate (Rupees in words) Amount BILL OF QUANTITY FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF PROPOSED M.O. RESIDENCE AND NURSES QUARTER FOR SUBDIVISIONAL HOSPITAL VIKRAMGANJ (ROHATAS) IN BIHAR 12 4.5.8 1:4:8 ( 1 cement: 4 coarse sand: 8 graded stone aggregate 40mm
Read More2019-5-17 Bill of Quantity For Rasini Village 5 TOTAL ... coral stone tank wall in 1:3 cement sand mortar as directed by the engineer. Provide, prepare and apply 1:3 cement sand plaster of 25mm thick to internal sides of tank wall. Allow for water proof cement and curing.
Read More2020-5-12 Cement and sand (1:4) render.On Rubble stone wall Steel Trowel: finished : to D4 15mm thick: concrete: Externally SM 665.55 Prepare Surface and apply under coat on two finishing coats First Grade emulsion paint on the rubble stone wall surfaces: to E4 Hallow Concrete Walls : externally SM 665.55 Cement and Sand (1:4) Screed: to floors:in
Read More2020-2-3 Example calculation Estimate the quantity of cement, sand and stone aggregate required for 1 cubic meter of 1:2:4 concrete mix. Ans. Materials required are 7 nos. of 50 kg bag of cement, 0.42 m 3 of sand and 0.83 m 3 of stone aggregate.
Read More2020-12-18 cement hardener consisting of mix 1:2 (1 cement hardener mix : 2 graded stone aggregate, 6mm nominal size) by volume, hardening compound mixed @ 2 litre per 50 kg of cement or as per manufacture’sspecifications. This includes cost of cement slurry, but excluding the cost of nosing of steps etc. complete Sqm 63.00 FINISHING: 12
Read More2019-5-10 Bill of Quantity For Siyu Village 5 TOTAL BILL (B) ... Solfix cement Sluice valve 3” ... coral stone tank wall in 1:3 cement sand mortar as directed by the engineer. Provide, prepare and apply 1:3 cement sand plaster of 25mm thick to internal sides of tank wall. Allow for water proof cement and
Read More2018-5-1 B) STONE W ORKS B1 Providing laying Random Rubble Masonry with hard stone in cement mortar 1:4 for all height 147.58 cum. B2 Providing and laying Hand packed stone filling or soling with selected hard stones. 71.72 cum. C) PLAIN CEMENT CONCRETE W ORKS
Read More2019-5-17 Bill of Quantity For Rasini Village 5 TOTAL ... coral stone tank wall in 1:3 cement sand mortar as directed by the engineer. Provide, prepare and apply 1:3 cement sand plaster of 25mm thick to internal sides of tank wall. Allow for water proof cement and curing.
Read More2013-9-30 Quantity M.O Residences Quantity Nurse Quarter Total Quantity Unit Rate In Fig. (in Rs) Unit Rate (Rupees in words) Amount BILL OF QUANTITY FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF PROPOSED M.O. RESIDENCE AND NURSES QUARTER FOR SUBDIVISIONAL HOSPITAL VIKRAMGANJ (ROHATAS) IN BIHAR 12 4.5.8 1:4:8 ( 1 cement: 4 coarse sand: 8 graded stone aggregate 40mm
Read More2020-10-7 Total Value CIVIL WORK 1 Demolition Dismantling a Demolition of existing wall inclusive of removal of lintels, slabs, cleaning etc, and disposal of debris at indicated location off site. sqft 1092.27 c Laying of PCC (or brickbat coba)1:2:4 (1 Cement, 2 Sand 4 Stone aggregate) of thickness as required to achieve desired
Read More2019-5-9 39 Kota stone slab flooring over 20 mm (average) thick base laid over and jointed with grey cement slurry mixed with pigment to match the shade of the slab, including rubbing and polishing complete with base of cement mortar 1 : 4 (1 cement : 4 coarse sand) : 25 mm thick Sqm 800.00 40 Kota stone slabs 20 mm thick in risers of steps, skirting ...
Read More2020-12-13 Item Description Unit Quantity RATE Amount in Rs. 5 Providing laying mechanically mixed cement concrete 20mm maximum size graded crushed stone including cost of centering shuttering. In Plinth foundation M-10 Concrete a Cu.m 63.00
Read More2020-2-3 Example calculation Estimate the quantity of cement, sand and stone aggregate required for 1 cubic meter of 1:2:4 concrete mix. Ans. Materials required are 7 nos. of 50 kg bag of cement, 0.42 m 3 of sand and 0.83 m 3 of stone aggregate.
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