Blends of copper slag with Portland cement generally possess properties equivalent to Portland cement containing fly ash, but very different to the silica fume incorporation.
Read MoreIndian cement industry is facing environmental issue of emission of carbon dioxide (CO 2), a greenhouse gas.Blended cements including supplementary cementitious materials are substitute of Portland cement to reduce CO 2 emission. The present paper investigates theappropriateness of copper slag (CS) as supplementary cementitious material.
Read MoreCurrent World Environment Vol. 11(1), 186-193 (2016) Copper Slag Blended Cement: An Environmental Sustainable Approach for Cement Industry in India JAgmEEt SIngh1*, JASpAl SIngh2 and mAnprEEt ...
Read MoreBlended cements including supplementary cementitious materials are substitute of Portland cement to reduce CO2 emission. The present paper investigates theappropriateness of copper slag (CS) as supplementary cementitious material. Strength properties and hydration of mixes were determined at different replacement levels of CS with cement.
Read More2008-1-28 Blends of copper slag with Portland cement generally possess properties equivalent to Portland cement containing fly ash, but very different to the silica fume incorporation. Copper slag and fly ash reduce the heat of hydration more effectively than silica fume in mortars. The replacement of 30% cement by copper slag reduces the flexural and compressive strength in a similar way to fly ash;
Read MoreOptimization of copper slag waste content in blended cement production Marku Jozefita a , Vaso Kozeta b a Department of Industrial Chemistry, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Tirana, Albania
Read More2016-9-9 A copper slag (waste of Lac, Albania Copper Plant) and Portland cement (produced in Fushe- Kruja,Albania Cement Factory) are used as specific constituents in the binary mixes of blended cement experimented in this work.
Read More2008-8-1 The use of copper slag in cement and concrete provides potential environmental as well as economic benefits for all related industries, particularly in areas where a considerable amount of copper slag is produced. This paper reviews the characteristics of copper slag and its effects on the engineering properties of cement, mortars and concrete.
Read MoreBased on theoretical considerations proposed by the field researchers, this study deals with the determination of the proportions of copper slag and Portland cement in the blended cement, having the objective of adding just enough of copper slag to consume all the excess calcium hydroxide produced during the hydration of the Portland cement.
Read More2007-5-1 The joint study aims to utilise the copper slag as raw mix component in the manufacture of Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC) and as a blending material for Portland Slag Cement (PSC). Hence while designing the raw mixes, every effort was made to keep the level of utilisation of copper slag to the maximum possible extent.
Read MoreIndian cement industry is facing environmental issue of emission of carbon dioxide (CO 2), a greenhouse gas.Blended cements including supplementary cementitious materials are substitute of Portland cement to reduce CO 2 emission. The present paper investigates theappropriateness of copper slag (CS) as supplementary cementitious material.
Read MoreIndian cement industry is facing environmental issue of emission of carbon dioxide (CO 2), a greenhouse gas.Blended cements including supplementary cementitious materials are substitute of Portland cement to reduce CO 2 emission. The present paper investigates theappropriateness of copper slag (CS) as supplementary cementitious material.
Read MoreT1 - Effect of copper slag on the hydration of blended cementitious mixtures. AU - Mobasher, Barzin. AU - Devaguptapu, R. AU - Arino, A. M. PY - 1996. Y1 - 1996. N2 - Effect of copper slag on the hydration of cement based materials is studied. Up to 15% by weight of copper slag was used as a portland cement
Read MoreEFFECT OF COPPER SLAG on the HYDRATION of BLENDED CEMENTITIOUS MIXTURES B. Mobasher1 M. ASCE, and R. Devaguptapu 2, A.M. Arino2 Abstract Effect of copper slag on the hydration of cement based materials is studied. Up to 15% by weight of copper slag was used as a portland cement
Read More2008-8-1 The use of copper slag as a pozzolanic material for a partial substitute for ordinary Portland cement and its effects on the hydration reactions and properties of mortar and concrete have been reported in several publications (Al-Jabri et al., 2006, Taha et al., 2007, Malhotra, 1993, Tixier et al., 1997, Ariño and Mobasher, 1999, Douglas and Mainwaring, 1986, Deja and Malolepszy, 1989).
Read MoreOptimization of copper slag waste content in blended cement production Marku Jozefita a , Vaso Kozeta b a Department of Industrial Chemistry, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Tirana, Albania
Read MoreA copper slag (waste of Lac, Albania Copper Plant) and Portland cement (produced in Fushe-Kruja, Albania Cement Factory) are used as specific constituents in the binary mixes of blended cement experimented in this work.
Read More2020-1-22 The inertisation of copper (II) by using ordinary Portland cement (OPC) or blended Portland cement with granulated blast furnace slag (GBFS) or metakaolin (MK)
Read More2016-4-9 Copper slag is a by-product obtained from production of copper metal. As copper slag contains silica and alumina, it may exhibit pozzolanic property, and hence it may be re-use in ground improvement applications as a partial replacement of cement. Present study evaluates systematically the possible pozzolanic property of copper slag as well as studies the effect of copper slag on engineering ...
Read More2020-8-3 cementitious material; cement 1. Introduction In smelting, copper-rich matte containing sulphides and copper slag as by-product are formed [1]. For every ton of copper produced during smelting and refining operations, approximately 2.2–3 tons of fayalite slag is produced and the management of these significant quantities is di cult [2,3].
Read MoreIndian cement industry is facing environmental issue of emission of carbon dioxide (CO 2), a greenhouse gas.Blended cements including supplementary cementitious materials are substitute of Portland cement to reduce CO 2 emission. The present paper investigates theappropriateness of copper slag (CS) as supplementary cementitious material.
Read More2017-7-13 material such as copper slag which can used as partial or full substitute of either cement or aggregates. It is a by- product obtained during the matte smelting and refining of copper Approximately 2.2–3.0 tons copper slag is generated as a by-product material to produce every ton of copper. This slag is
Read More2008-8-1 The use of copper slag as a pozzolanic material for a partial substitute for ordinary Portland cement and its effects on the hydration reactions and properties of mortar and concrete have been reported in several publications (Al-Jabri et al., 2006, Taha et al., 2007, Malhotra, 1993, Tixier et al., 1997, Ariño and Mobasher, 1999, Douglas and Mainwaring, 1986, Deja and Malolepszy, 1989).
Read MoreDOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0215677 Corpus ID: 135458332. Hydration and strength development in blended cement with ultrafine granulated copper slag @article{Feng2019HydrationAS, title={Hydration and strength development in blended cement with ultrafine granulated copper slag}, author={Y. Feng and Qinli Zhang and Qiusong Chen and Daolin Wang and Hongquan Guo and L. Liu and Q. Yang}, journal ...
Read MoreCiteSeerX - Document Details (Isaac Councill, Lee Giles, Pradeep Teregowda): Effect of copper slag on the hydration of cement based materials is studied. Up to 15 % by weight of copper slag was used as a portland cement replacement. Activation of pozzolanic reactions were studied using up to 1.5 % hydrated lime. Hydration reactions were monitored using quantitative X-Ray diffraction (QXRD) and ...
Read More2015-1-6 copper slag exhibits pozzolanic properties as CaO content in copper slag increases, it can exhibit cementitious properties. Studies [8-12] indicated that a copper slag, which contains approximately 19% CaO, show a good cementitious property under the activation of NaOH. The effect of copper slag on the hydration of cement-based
Read More2020-1-22 The inertisation of copper (II) by using ordinary Portland cement (OPC) or blended Portland cement with granulated blast furnace slag (GBFS) or metakaolin (MK)
Read More2016-4-9 Copper slag is a by-product obtained from production of copper metal. As copper slag contains silica and alumina, it may exhibit pozzolanic property, and hence it may be re-use in ground improvement applications as a partial replacement of cement. Present study evaluates systematically the possible pozzolanic property of copper slag as well as studies the effect of copper slag on engineering ...
Read MoreThe present study aimed to utilize granulated copper slag (GCS) as a mineral admixture for massive concrete in the saline-soil environment, then analyze the feasibility through the experiment. A contrastive analysis was conducted on the hydration heat in paste mixtures with a partial replacement of Ordinary Portland cement (OPC) by GCS and FA ...
Read MoreThe knowledge of using blended cement systems allows cost-effective solutions and a greater flexibility in meeting the design requirements. In the area of blended cements mour team has specialized in teh use of blended Class C, F, and N flyash, copper slag, Matakaolin, and Wollastonite.
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