Sodium Hydrogen Sulphide Copper Flotation. Sodium Hydrogen Sulphide Copper Flotation. We are manufacturing the sodium hydro sulphide using sophisticated machinery and quality chemicals for the processing the samehe offered sodium hydro sulphide is a yellow chemical compound with the formula nahs it has a low melting point of 350c and obtained by halfneutralization of hydrogen sulfide h2s with ...
Read MoreSodium Hydrogen Sulphide Copper Flotation. We are manufacturing the sodium hydro sulphide using sophisticated machinery and quality chemicals for the processing the samehe offered sodium hydro sulphide is a yellow chemical compound with the formula nahs it has a low melting point of 350c and obtained by halfneutralization of hydrogen sulfide h2s with ...
Read More2021-5-20 I suppose you are trying to sulphidize the copper for flotation. OK, this depends. You need to test to know. It could be 500 to 2000 g/t NaHS. Try and you will see how sulphidizing the oxide minerals with NaHS helps or not and at which concentration. Be sure to
Read More2018-7-17 Sulfidization. Sodium Sulfide in Sulfide Minerals Flotation. Sodium sulfide is one of the most widely used alkali metal sulfides in the flotation of copper, lead, and zinc minerals in their oxidized form. The sulfidization process, developed in the U.S.A. in 1915-20 for oxide copper minerals flotation,
Read More2009-3-1 Generally copper oxide minerals do not respond well to traditional sulphide copper collectors and require alternative flotation techniques to concentrate the copper oxides. The classical method involves controlled potential sulphidisation (CPS) to sulphidise the surface of the oxide minerals by the addition of a sulphidisation agent, such as sodium hydrogen sulphide (NaHS).
Read MoreIn the ore flotation, sodium hydrogen sulfide is used as an auxiliary. The flotation is a chemical separation process in which fine-grained solids such as ores are dissolved in an aqueous slurry. In addition, the product is marked with the danger identification toxic,
Read MoreThe recovery of these copper minerals by flotation or hydrometallurgy from ores, typically containing 0.5%TCu (open pit mines) and 1-2%TCu (underground mines) is of great
Read More2020-2-1 Key words: pyrite; chalcocite; flotation; cyanide; depression; sodium sulfide 1 Introduction Gold generally exists in most copper−gold ores as free gold, copper-associated gold and pyrite-associated gold, which are usually recovered by gravity separation and sequential flotation where copper-bearing minerals are first floated to a saleable copper−gold concentrate with pyrite to be depressed, and then the depressed pyrite is activated and floated
Read More2019-11-22 sulphide cobalt-bearing copper minerals occur together, efficient recovery of copper and cobalt is known to be extremely difficult. This study investigates the flotation behaviour of a mixed oxide-sulphide ore where copper is hosted in sulphides phases such as bornite, chalcopyrite and chalcocite, and oxide phases such as malachite and
Read Moreto traditional sulphide collectors, flotation plants can now process blends of sulphide and oxide minerals to produce saleable concentrates. Generally copper oxide minerals do not respond well to ...
Read MoreSodium Hydrogen Sulphide Copper Flotation. Sodium Hydrogen Sulphide Copper Flotation. We are manufacturing the sodium hydro sulphide using sophisticated machinery and quality chemicals for the processing the samehe offered sodium hydro sulphide is a yellow chemical compound with the formula nahs it has a low melting point of 350c and obtained ...
Read MoreCopper is most commonly present in the earth’s crust as copper-iron-sulphide and copper sulphide minerals, for example, chalcopyrite (CuFeS2), bornite (Cu5FeS4) and chalcocite (Cu2S).
Read More2016-6-8 The traditional method applied for the flotation of copper oxide or mixed ores is sulphidisation, which was first developed with industrial success on Pb–Zn oxide ores in Australia (Crozier, 1991). The method involves multistage addition of sodium sulphide (Na 2 S), sodium hydrogen sulphide (NaHS), or ammonium sulphide (NH 4) 2
Read More2016-7-19 addition of sodium sulphide (Na 2S), sodium hydrogen sulphide (NaHS), or ammonium sulphide (NH 4) 2S as a sulphidizing agent, together with xanthate collectors such as potassium amyl xanthate (PAX) (Kongolo et al., 2003; Mwema and Mpoyo, 2001). The effectiveness of sulphidization for flotation of oxidized sulphides has also
Read MoreFlotation of mixed copper oxide and sulphide minerals with xanthate and hydroxamate collectors K. Leea, D. Archibaldb, J. McLeanc, M.A. Reuterc,* a Ausmelt Limited, AMML, Unit 3/8 Yandina Road ...
Read More2015-12-16 Sulphide reagents are widely . used in mineral processing and hydrometallurgical operations. The use of sodium hydrosulphide, NaHS, to provide conditions in which molybdenum sulphide can be separated from copper sulphides is common practice in flotation. The same reagent is also sometimes used in water treatment following conventional lime ...
Read MoreCopper sulphide ores Flotation collectors From previous flotation investigations of mixed copper oxide and sulphide minerals using xanthate and Mineral processing hydroxamate collectors it was hard to distinguish the impact of the alkyl hydroxamate collector on sul- Alkyl hydroxamates phide recovery as the sulphide and oxide minerals occurred ...
Read MoreThe depressant agent commonly used is sodium hydrogen sulphide (NaHS). Addition of NaHS reagent to the pulp reduces the redox potential to a level where copper sulphides are un-floatable. Depression of copper sulphide starts at a Redox potential of about -250 mV.
Read More2021-3-18 Results of copper sulphide ore beneficiation test. The flotation results of copper sulfide ore are shown in Table 7. At pH 9.2, PAAS and GA were used as combined depressant and PBX as collector to ...
Read MoreSodium Hydrosulphide is applied in the leather industry, waste water treatment, soil remediation, the mining industry and pulp paper.Patch clamp studies of neuroblastoma cells have shown that in the presence of sodium hydrogen sulfide, the in vitro precursor of hydrogen sulfide.Sodium hydrogen sulfide is an H2S donor commonly used in cellular ...
Read MoreSodium Hydrogen Sulphide Copper Flotation. Sodium Hydrogen Sulphide Copper Flotation. We are manufacturing the sodium hydro sulphide using sophisticated machinery and quality chemicals for the processing the samehe offered sodium hydro sulphide is a yellow chemical compound with the formula nahs it has a low melting point of 350c and obtained ...
Read More2019-8-19 Increasing sulphidiser dosage decreased copper recovery. The best flotation performance was obtained by using SIPX at a dosage of 70 gpt on a sample ground for 2 minutes, where, a concentrate of 15.9% TCu was obtained with 17.8% recovery. Use of sodium hydrogen sulphide resulted in an increase in recovery for the fine sizes.
Read MoreSelling High Quality Sodium Hydro Sulphide (Nash) to Leading Textile Dye Manufacturers. Sodium Hydrosulphide is used in paper manufacture as a makeup chemical for sulfur used in the Kraft process, as a flotation agent in copper mining where it is used to activate oxide mineral species, and in the leather industry for the removal of hair from hides.
Read More2016-7-19 addition of sodium sulphide (Na 2S), sodium hydrogen sulphide (NaHS), or ammonium sulphide (NH 4) 2S as a sulphidizing agent, together with xanthate collectors such as potassium amyl xanthate (PAX) (Kongolo et al., 2003; Mwema and Mpoyo, 2001). The effectiveness of sulphidization for flotation of oxidized sulphides has also
Read More2016-6-8 The traditional method applied for the flotation of copper oxide or mixed ores is sulphidisation, which was first developed with industrial success on Pb–Zn oxide ores in Australia (Crozier, 1991). The method involves multistage addition of sodium sulphide (Na 2 S), sodium hydrogen sulphide (NaHS), or ammonium sulphide (NH 4) 2
Read More2021-3-18 Results of copper sulphide ore beneficiation test. The flotation results of copper sulfide ore are shown in Table 7. At pH 9.2, PAAS and GA were used as combined depressant and PBX as collector to ...
Read MoreThe depressant agent commonly used is sodium hydrogen sulphide (NaHS). Addition of NaHS reagent to the pulp reduces the redox potential to a level where copper sulphides are un-floatable. Depression of copper sulphide starts at a Redox potential of about -250 mV.
Read More2015-12-16 Sulphide reagents are widely . used in mineral processing and hydrometallurgical operations. The use of sodium hydrosulphide, NaHS, to provide conditions in which molybdenum sulphide can be separated from copper sulphides is common practice in flotation. The same reagent is also sometimes used in water treatment following conventional lime ...
Read More2018-6-5 Synthesis of sodium polysulphide for copper ore processing UDC 669.3:622.765 Sodium polysulphide consists of yellow-brown, yellow-green crystals. Its chemical formulas are Na 2S 2, Na 2S 3, Na 2S 4. Currently there are several known methods for the production of sodium sulfide: chemical reduction of sodium sulphate by solid carbonaceous ...
Read More2017-11-17 Sodium hydrosulfide is the chemical compound with the formula NaHS. This compound is the product of the half neutralization of hydrogen sulfide with sodium Hydroxide NaHS is a useful reagent for the synthesis of organic and inorganic sulfur compounds, sometimes as a solid reagent, and more often as an aqueous solution.
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