Hot_air furnace is the heat_source equipment for supplying clean_air to dry grain.RFL series coal_burning hot_air furnace is developed and designed,in order to deal with the grain pollution.The furnace has the advantages of high mechanization,low failure,convenient operation,and high efficiency energy_saving,no_pollution etc.It is widely used in the bidding projects such as of the World Bank ...
Read More2013-3-8 strating that sustainable design effects cost savings throughout a building’s lifetime. Showing the potential contributions of glazing toward such a goal was the purpose of this study. One factor this study did not address was the recycling of any materials as part of the energy-saving qualities.
Read More2012-12-21 Introduction Top Energy Saving Measures in RCx Key Measure Mix % of Total Savings Revise control sequence 21% Reduce equipment runtime 15% Optimize airside economizer 12% Add/optimize SAT reset 8% Add VFD to pump 6% Reduce coil leakage 4% Reduce/reset DSP setpoint 4% Add/optimize optimum start/stop 3% Add/optimize CWST reset 2% Source: A Study on Energy
Read MoreThe energy efficiency and energy saving were studied for various values of recirculation ratios with respect to the temperature and flow rate of the drying air, slurry feed rate and concentration ...
Read MorePeng, H.-T. (2014) Energy-Saving Analysis and Design Calculation of the Down-deviation Compound Balance Beam Pumping Unit. Northeast Petroleum University, Daqing.
Read More2020-6-4 58 D. Hu et al.: Energy saving optimal design and control of electromagnetic brake ergy saving control method. Obviously, the basis of design or control of the electromagnetic brake is to establish an ac-curate performance prediction model. However, materials of the brake disc and iron core are all soft magnetic materials
Read More2015-12-30 In this thesis, a centrifugal circulation pump for an energy efficient Arçelik dishwasher is designed. Furthermore, designed pump is analyzed by means of CFD and tested in laboratory using a prototype produced by SLS technology. There are certain
Read MoreThe sewage treatment plant has a specific process requirements, equipment use also has its own characteristics. This paper mainly taking the wastewater treatment plant CASS project as an example, according to the specific process requirements and characteristics, does optimization of power load in electrical design, and introduces some effective measures for energy conservation.
Read More2017-11-23 The energy performance of the building is calculated from design information using approved energy calculation (modelling) software and the number of credits achieved is based on the predicted energy performance of the assessed building compared to the performance of an equivalent Notional building (see CN6) designed to meet, but not improve on ...
Read More2010-8-13 The Passive House Planning (Design) Package (PHPP) includes: energy calculations (incl. R or U-values) design of window specifications design of the indoor
Read More2012-12-1 Energy saving potential of cooperative management between DHC plant and building HVAC system. ... Thermal comfort would be kept by dressing in cooler clothes during summer and warmer clothes during winter. ... A study on a calculation method of design thermal peak load in a building energy simulation tool, the BEST. Transactions of SHASE, 164 ...
Read MoreAll kinds of factors affecting the efficiency of three phase asynchronous motor are studied, the methods of energy-saving and efficiency improvement of flame proof three phase asynchronous motor for fan are analyzed form the aspect of calculation of electromagnetism, selection of material, design of wind path, machining process etc, the practical optimizing methods are put forward and are ...
Read More2020-12-12 dairy hygienic design (3-A), for biotech and pharmaceutical compliance (cGMP, FDA), and is an active partner in the development of EHEDG guidelines for hygienic and safe food processing design equipment. ISO 9001:2008 certified Quality System represents a point of reference for the company and its operations, from design
Read More2020-7-10 energy, and employing a light control strategy are preferable ways of improving the building energy performance. Michelsson et al. [17] analysed alternative energy-saving design concepts for a typical, new, detached house design in Finland and showed that the payback period is the shortest for air source heat pumps.
Read More2007-8-1 Improved Energy Efficiency through Better Lighting Design August 1, 2007 Lighting is a factor that provides a significant opportunity to reduce operating costs, improve occupant performance, and reduce greenhouse gases that contribute to global warming.
Read More2009-10-24 Lightweight design is a common means of reducing a passenger car's fuel consumption. In order to calculate the resulting fuel savings, one has to estimate the total energy that is needed to move a certain weight over a defined distance in a distinct way, and express this energy in liter of gasoline or diesel. This can be accomplished by the so-called fuel reduction value (FRV) and based on a ...
Read MoreThe type of treatment involved and the design of the process depend on the end product. The process described in this chapter is general milk pasteurization. This process is the basic operation in market milk processing, and also constitutes an important pre-treatment stage in a chain of dairy processes such as cheesemaking and cultured milk ...
Read More2021-5-21 I am pleased to offer you an application for the equipment/jewels selection, talents calculation, heroes search. Google play: Dressing room - Lords Mobile App store: Dressing Room for lords mobile - Equipment search by several parameters; - Selection of alternative equipment and the ability to compare parameters; - Army parameters accounting; - Common resulting parameters of
Read More2015-4-10 Finally we need to check the power consumed by the unit in watts and the star rating which is based on the EER (energy efficiency ratio). If we convert the cooling capacity to watts (1 ton = 12000 BTU = 3517 watts) and then divide it by the power consumed to achieve this we get the EER, the higher the better (this shouldn’t ever be below 2.3 ...
Read More2020-12-31 作者 李晨阳 2019year中国发表的高质量国际论文占世界份额的31.4%,排在全球第2位; 发表高质量国际论文数量最多的世界高校中,清华大学、浙江大学、上海交通大学和北京大学跻身前十; 发表高质量国际论文数量最多的世界研究机构中,中国科学院生态环境研究中心、中国科学院化学研究所 ...
Read More2012-12-1 Energy saving potential of cooperative management between DHC plant and building HVAC system. ... Thermal comfort would be kept by dressing in cooler clothes during summer and warmer clothes during winter. ... A study on a calculation method of design thermal peak load in a building energy simulation tool, the BEST. Transactions of SHASE, 164 ...
Read MoreAll kinds of factors affecting the efficiency of three phase asynchronous motor are studied, the methods of energy-saving and efficiency improvement of flame proof three phase asynchronous motor for fan are analyzed form the aspect of calculation of electromagnetism, selection of material, design of wind path, machining process etc, the practical optimizing methods are put forward and are ...
Read More2020-12-12 dairy hygienic design (3-A), for biotech and pharmaceutical compliance (cGMP, FDA), and is an active partner in the development of EHEDG guidelines for hygienic and safe food processing design equipment. ISO 9001:2008 certified Quality System represents a point of reference for the company and its operations, from design
Read More2021-5-23 Energy-saving strategies In high-level basketball facilities, most of the energy consumption (98-99%) is used to heat the dressing rooms, auxiliary service areas and public facilities, offices, etc., and also to produce hot water for bathrooms. 72-78% of this
Read MoreA thermostatic mixing valve works much like a thermostat in your house. You set a desired temperature and the device opens or closes the hot water valve in order to maintain the proper temperature setting. In the case of our showers, the valve would only use the point-source water heater when necessary to attain the correct temperature thus decreasing the probability of wasted hot water and ...
Read MoreSaving energy in the office doesn’t only reduce your electricity bills, but contributes a lot to the environment by lessening carbon pollution, making your workplace worthy of a Green Star. Moreover, going green definitely improves your reputation and has amazing positive effects on your company’s image and brand.
Read MoreThe type of treatment involved and the design of the process depend on the end product. The process described in this chapter is general milk pasteurization. This process is the basic operation in market milk processing, and also constitutes an important pre-treatment stage in a chain of dairy processes such as cheesemaking and cultured milk ...
Read More2015-4-10 Finally we need to check the power consumed by the unit in watts and the star rating which is based on the EER (energy efficiency ratio). If we convert the cooling capacity to watts (1 ton = 12000 BTU = 3517 watts) and then divide it by the power consumed to achieve this we get the EER, the higher the better (this shouldn’t ever be below 2.3 ...
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