The flotation behaviour of chromite with respect to the beneficiation of UG2 ore ScienceDirect. The UG2 reef of the Bushveld Igneous Complex in South Africa is a valuable source of platinum group metals (PGMs) that is beneficiated by flotation.
Read MoreSouth Africa Ug2 Flotation Chromite. Characterisation and Flotation of a Weathered Platinum . high operating cost most platinum mine operations in South Africa have drifting towards mining and processing UG2 ore Most mines process the UG2 ore from open pits and routinely suffers from low and erratic platinum group element PGE flotation recoveries This is due to changes in mineralogy of the ore ...
Read More1999-10-1 Flotation behaviour of chromite with respect to beneficiation of UG2 ore 1179 Air was introduced into the cell as the flotation gas via a syringe needle. The gas bubbles rose through the cell, passing through the pulp where collision between bubbles and mineral particles occurred.
Read MoreAbstract and Figures Chromite and talc are two major gangue minerals in platinum bearing UG2 ore processed from the Bushveld Complex in South Africa. During flotation, talc
Read MoreDifferent chromite ores from South Africa were made flotation using the anionic collector, A825 (petroleum sulfonate), after conditioning with H2SO4 at low pH values in the range of 1 and 3. Chromite was separated as concentrate from the gangue successfully by using anionic collector at low pH values.
Read MoreENGLISH ABSTRACT: The Bushveld Complex of South Africa contains three of the most important platinum deposits in the world namely the Merensky Reef, the Upper Group Two (UG2) chromitite reef and the Platreef. These three ore bodies are principally beneficiated by froth flotation.
Read More2021-1-7 Flotation of Platinum Group Minerals (PGMs) in South Africa and Russia ... In South Africa, the PGM-bearing ores are found in the Bushveld Complex, which ... UG2 consists predominantly of chromite with lesser silicate minerals (5–30% pyroxene and 1–10% plagioclase). Other minerals present in minor concentrations can include silicates,
Read More2009-8-26 UG2 ore on ferrochrome production in South Africa by L.A. Cramer*, J. Basson†, and L.R. Nelson§ Synopsis South African platinum mines produce the world’s majority of platinum metal that is used in autocatalysts and jewellery. As the platinum market
Read More2015-3-4 data on UG2 samples was generated by means of MLA technique. The UG2 samples are flotation tailings from the Northam Platinum Limited plant operations in South Africa. Complete recovery of PGMs which are locked in silicates, native minerals and chromite matrix is difficult. Therefore, most of the PGMs in flotation tailings are attached or enclosed
Read MoreThe control of chromite during the flotation of UG2 ore is of critical importance since its presence affects the downstream pyrometallurgical treatment. ... flotation operations in South Africa ...
Read More2012-5-23 UG2 platinum grades range between 3 and 8 g/t [5]. ... complex in South Africa, the main ore body is the UG-2 chromitite layer. The mine is situated on the western limb of the Bushveld complex which is about 70. ... removing the chromite fraction from the first rougher stage
Read More2015-9-18 use of UG2 ore for FeCr production. Keywords South Africa, UG2, metallurgical-grade chromite, oxidative sintered pellets, compressive and abrasion strengths, milling energy requirements. * Chemical Resource Beneficiation, North-West University, Potchefstroom. † Minerals Processing Division, Mintek. ‡ Glencore Alloys, South Africa.
Read More2021-3-26 chromite and the valuable minerals predisposes the PGM ores to an inefficient froth flotation and thereby leads to drastic problems at the smelters. Entrainment of fine chromite is a major problem, so the reduction of fine chromite content in the UG2 ore prior to flotation is therefore crucial.
Read More2015-3-4 data on UG2 samples was generated by means of MLA technique. The UG2 samples are flotation tailings from the Northam Platinum Limited plant operations in South Africa. Complete recovery of PGMs which are locked in silicates, native minerals and chromite matrix is difficult. Therefore, most of the PGMs in flotation tailings are attached or enclosed
Read More2020-12-8 Chromite and talc are two major gangue minerals in platinum bearing UG2 ore processed from the Bushveld Complex in South Africa. During flotation, talc is effectively depressed by the addition of depressants. Chromite, on the other hand, is considered to be hydrophilic, its recovery is believed to follow water recovery and
Read More2015-5-10 The chromitites of the Bushveld Complex in South Africa contain vast resources of platinum-group elements (PGE); however, except for the economic upper group (UG)-2 chromitite seam, information on the distribution of the PGE in the ores and on the mineralogical nature, assemblages, and proportions of platinum-group minerals (PGM) is essentially missing.
Read More2015-4-15 the UG2 ore with its smaller PGE mineral grain sizes. Later, when flotation processes were considered, the need to maintain chromite recovery below the critical level determined by the smelting process, and yet maximise PGE recoveries, presented anew set of problems (Corrans et al., 1982; Overbeek et a!., 1985; Hiemstra, 1988b; Hossy, 1991).
Read MoreChromite contained in UG2 concentrates presents challenges in smelting, with constraints being placed on the amount of chromite that flotation concentrates can contain reducing flotation recovery. Kell was designed to remove this chromite constraint and it is completely insensitive to chromite.
Read MoreAn investigation into the effects of UG2 Ore variability on froth flotation. View/ Open. Thesis (3.678Mb) Date 2013. Author. Ramlall, Nigel Valentino. Metadata Show full item record.
Read MoreSouth Africa Ug2 Flotation Chromite. South Africa Ug2 Flotation Chromite. Characterisation and Flotation of a Weathered Platinum . high operating cost most platinum mine operations in South Africa have drifting towards mining and processing UG2 ore Most mines process the UG2 ore from open pits and routinely suffers from low and erratic platinum group element PGE flotation recoveries This is ...
Read More2019-4-9 The UG2 reef of the Bushveld Igneous Complex in South Africa is a valuable source of platinum group metals (PGMs) that is beneficiated by flotation. Chromite is one of the main gangue consituents of UG2 ore and it is essential that the amount of chromite reporting to the concentrate during flotation be minimised since it is detrimental to the ...
Read MoreChromite and talc are two major gangue minerals in platinum bearing UG2 ore processed from the Bushveld Complex in South Africa. During flotation, talc is
Read More2012-5-23 UG2 platinum grades range between 3 and 8 g/t [5]. ... complex in South Africa, the main ore body is the UG-2 chromitite layer. The mine is situated on the western limb of the Bushveld complex which is about 70. ... removing the chromite fraction from the first rougher stage
Read More2021-3-26 chromite and the valuable minerals predisposes the PGM ores to an inefficient froth flotation and thereby leads to drastic problems at the smelters. Entrainment of fine chromite is a major problem, so the reduction of fine chromite content in the UG2 ore prior to flotation is therefore crucial.
Read More2015-3-4 data on UG2 samples was generated by means of MLA technique. The UG2 samples are flotation tailings from the Northam Platinum Limited plant operations in South Africa. Complete recovery of PGMs which are locked in silicates, native minerals and chromite matrix is difficult. Therefore, most of the PGMs in flotation tailings are attached or enclosed
Read MoreAn investigation into the effects of UG2 Ore variability on froth flotation. View/ Open. Thesis (3.678Mb) Date 2013. Author. Ramlall, Nigel Valentino. Metadata Show full item record.
Read MoreSouth Africa is the largest supplier of platinum group metals (PGMs), which are mined from three reefs in the Bushveld Igneous Complex. About 60% of the world’s mined PGMs come from a single reef, the UG-2 reef (Mudd, 2010). Flotation is the primary method used to concentrate the PGMs.
Read More2011-3-3 Energy costs are rapidly increasing in South Africa and this trend is forecast to continue in future years. Moreover, the smelting operations are highly susceptible to deleterious constituents, particularly chromite; and the increasing tonnages of UG2 chromititic ore being mined results in an increasing chromite content of smelter feeds.
Read More2009-8-26 †Lonplats, Western Platinum Limited, Marikana, South Africa It is common practice in the mineral processing industry to use hydrocyclones for particle classification. However, classification in the UG2 platinum circuits using the hydrocyclone poses major challenges due to the differences in density between silica and chromite, the two major
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